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Stack room in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2020-10-23Updated:2020-10-23
Similar words: back roombackroomsickroomstock roomstockroomcheckroomworkroomdark room
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1, The air pollution and biological pollution in the stack room for ancient books can do harm to the health of ancient book librarians.
2, The new premises provided a library and reading room, a model room and a stack room for storage.
3, In 2005, the Chinese book stock room and outside lending room were merged into Chinese stack room for uniform management.
4, One of a series of double - faced bookcases stack room.
5, One of a series of double - faced bookcases in a library stack room.
6, Shall we go to the card catalog or directly to the stack room?
7, Shall WE go to the card catalog or directly to the stack room?
8, In this paper,[ room.html] design of structural renovation and strengthening for a new stack room of a library is introduced.
9, Hence, in the management of the library , prevention of mildew of stack room always be decided as an important task and responsibility.
10, This paper introduces the functions of sample stack, analyzes the problems existing in the open-shelves stack room, and advances some methods for solving these problems.
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